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Eucharisztikus Kongresszus
Katolikus Karitász
Magyar Kurír
Új Ember
Vatikáni Rádió
Szent István Rádió, Eger
Mária Rádió
nyil Katolikus média bővebben

Eastern and Central European Cardinals and Presidents of Bishops’ Conferences Meet in Budapest at the Weekend
2005. február 12., szombat 21:00

At the invitation of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference, church leaders of countries recently joined the European Union and some of those preparing to join are going to assemble between 12th and 14th of February. The focus of the meeting will be on Christian concept of man in today’s Europe.

Cardinal Péter Erdő commented the objectives and the topic of the conference to Magyar Kurír: “When a bishop is ordained he becomes the member of a community, his mission surpasses the border of his diocese. There are different institutional forms of the church to put this mission in practice: bishops’ conferences, certain authorities of the Roman Curia or the ecumenical council itself. At the same time there are lots of other possibilities helping to express this collegial feeling, and supporting each other to fulfil our service.

The countries of Central Europe are in a new situation. The new or future members of the European Union have to face a new kind of pastoral challenge. Primarily, these are no economic or political changes, but the changes of the person, who is different than 20 years ago. This is what we have to converse about, and we should share our hopes and experiences on new pastoral initiatives.”

To the question how different and how similar the situation of the people, including Christians, is in Western and Eastern part of Europe, the Primate responded: “The difference between Western and Central-Eastern part of Europe is in the social reality. In our region we have to cope with similar but much more open problems. Psychological processes and behavioural or attitudinal changes must be evaluated in a different way here. But I could also mention the different phenomena of migration. This issue is handled diversely in countries where there are masses of immigrants, and in those from where people rather emigrate. The matter of national-ethnical identity, which also concerns people from close, is certainly dealt with differently in a country where it had been prohibited to talk about it. Some processes can come to the surface in a much more unexpected way. But these are mostly differences that are hiding in social reality. What really connects us with Catholics in Western Europe is exactly our Christian conviction.”

About anti-Christian manifestations in Europe the Cardinal said: “After a communist past, these have unambiguously different place value here than in a society with a much more relaxed development. Even the phenomena are not the same – rude anti-Christian manifestations are not characteristic of Western European world. In our region, it turned out during the quick changes that the moral cohesion of the society is quite weak. However, if there becomes a vacuum in the value consciousness of a society, it holds dangers for the everyday coexistence as well. I believe this wider region had to confront these dangers in a more direct way, therefore in this respect we can hand over valuable experiences during the conference.”

(Magyar Kurír, Hungarian Catholic News Agency, Budapest)

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